Playful Connection Podcast
This is a podcast where a licensed marriage and family therapist who specializes in working with children and teens will be discussing practical and effective ways for adults to connect with children and teenagers using therapeutic techniques inspired by play therapy. These episodes will come in the form of simple steps of research based skills that you can implement today in order to better connect more meaningfully with the children and teens in your life!
Playful Connection Podcast
42: What Does Being Present Look Like?
In this episode of the Playful Connection Podcast, Eddie Shin will share four simple ways on how to become more present with the children and teens in your life.
1. Limit Distractions
2. Engage in Their Interests
3. Reflect and Acknowledge Their Feelings
4. Create Special One-on-One Time
Being present with children and teens is like being the sun for a plant. Just as a plant grows stronger and healthier when it receives sunlight, children and teens thrive when they receive your undivided attention and care. Your presence nourishes their emotional well-being, helping them grow into confident and connected individuals. When you are fully there for them, your relationship blossoms into something resilient and deeply fulfilling.
Check out, subscribe to, and follow my Instagram and Facebook for more information between episodes regarding helpful tips that can further your connection with the children and teens in your life!
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/playfulconnectionpodcast/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558404776860
Contact: playfulconnectionpodcast@gmail.com
Check out the therapy practice where I work: https://www.canyonbreezecounseling.com